Co-developing the AI-powered projects of tomorrow

Our Acceleration Program is an opportunity for international AI-focused startups to validate their technology and business model and to co-develop cutting-edge solutions for Thales customers in the areas of defence, security, air and rail transport, banking, telecommunications, etc.

The AI@Centech acceleration program provides a stimulating environment to help startups bring their ideas to maturity and support their capacity to shape our shared future.

Our equity-free benefits

Access to Thales markets

A business coach guides each accelerated startup to give them access to Thales markets and customers through well-adapted use cases. Together, we develop innovative Proofs of Concept and Minimum Viable Products to demonstrate the value that Thales and startups can create.

Access to AI expertise

In addition to a business coach, an artificial intelligence coach is appointed for each startup, to help them enhance their products.With dedicated workshops, meetings or Design Thinking sessions, we help startups improve their offers by giving them access to required and relevant expertise.

Access to funding

We support startups in successfully preparing their fundraising with coaching to prepare their presentation and pitch to Venture Capitalists.We introduce them to external VCs and potentially, if common interest, to Thales Corporate Venture.

Visibility boost

Participation with Thales at trade shows, as well as at Thales internal events, and media exposure. Through the Thales global network, we highlight startups to put them on stage and make them meet the right people for their needs and objectives.

How does it work?

The program includes access to

A secured cloud platform
Personal Thales coaching
Entrepreneurial services
An office in downtown Montreal


Step 1


Each season revolves around challenges related to business needs that could be solved through AI solutions. We take care to establish a balanced set of startups, covering different aspects of the AI value chain. The challenges can be crafted by Thales’ Business Lines, or directly by customers encountering operational problems.

Step 2

Explore and define

For 3 months, in order to find the best opportunities, we facilitate dialogue and exchanges between startups and Thales. In this way, each startup discovers the Group's relevant activities, and the Thales’ teams reinforce their understanding and their confidence in the startups’ solutions and their ways of working.

Step 3

Deliver and show

For 3 months, join developments between Thales (leveraging Digital platform asset) and startups leads to concrete demonstrations for the most promising opportunities. These valuable proofs are put in broad visibility through industry exhibitions and a Demo Day, to which hundreds of customers and partners of the Group are invited.

Step 4


Together, we create long-term partnerships and continuously promote each startup through our Alumni network. We also facilitate collaborations between startups during the program and beyond. We want to create a trusted environment for other members of the ecosystem to contribute.

Alumni of the program

Since 2019, we have been partnering with the future champions of artificial intelligence.

Meet our Alumni

Join our mission

We are looking for international growth-stage startups specialized in AI that can respond to our challenges.

Enroll now
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