Copyright : Al CarreraSource : Thales


AI x Arctic Ocean

Securing the future of northern sea routes and ecosystems

This challenge is over, applications are closed.

Challenge Overview

Description du challenge

The Arctic is undergoing rapid and unprecedented changes due to climate change. Temperatures are rising at a rate three times faster than the global average, resulting in the Arctic becoming more accessible than ever before. With the Northern Sea routes opening up year-round, new direct shipping routes and connections are being established. However, these changes pose significant threats to the fragile Arctic ecosystem, coastal communities, and security. There is a need to ensure that these territories are safe and secure.

New technologies can be considered as enablers to protect and secure these territories. Our challenge aims to support the surveillance, mapping, and monitoring of the Arctic to better understand and manage these threats.

We seek experts in AI systems, sensors, platforms (drones and vehicles). We also aim to work closely with indigenous communities in the region to ensure that their unique perspectives and concerns are heard and incorporated into our work.

The target markets are:

  • Both Civil/Public Safety and Defense as the challenges in this area are often addressed in a dual-technology way
  • Both above and under water, with possible links with satellite technologies and use-cases
Copyright: Grispb
Copyright: Grispb
Copyright: Roman
Copyright: Roman


Experts in

  • Above and underwater AI systems and sensors
  • Above and underwater platforms (drones and vehicles)
  • Ocean mapping, data monitoring and analysis
  • Maritime/Naval collaborative autonomy

We want to work with experts who share our commitment to inclusive and collaborative solutions, ensuring that local voices are heard and respected throughout the process.

(Ideally) Experience and past projects

  • In the North/Arctic
  • With local communities

Projects you could be working on

  • Enabling real-time mapping and analysis of the seabed: by developing advanced AI systems and sensors, you can help us to monitor and understand the changes taking place in the Arctic seabed. This information will be critical for protecting and preserving the delicate marine ecosystems in the region
  • Detecting vessels in real-time: one of the biggest challenges facing the Arctic is detecting and monitoring vessels that may be engaging in illegal or unregulated activities. By developing advanced sensors and autonomous vehicles, you can help us to detect and track vessels, allowing us to protect and secure the Arctic territories and take real-time decisions
  • Implementing collaborative and autonomous underwater solutions: the Arctic is a vast and unknown environment, and traditional methods of exploration and monitoring can be time-consuming and expensive. You can help us better explore and understand the Arctic in ways that were previously impossible